
Articles Posted in Boating DUI


California Boating Under The Influence (BUI) Laws

As the weather warms up in San Diego, people enjoy the outdoors and get more active. Many flock to the bay, ocean, lakes and rivers to enjoy a day on the water, but be aware that law enforcement agencies are out in full force actively looking to cite people for boating…


In California, Can You Be Charged With DUI While Boating (BUI)?

Drunk boating charges were recently brought against Erin Brockovich, an environmental activist whose life was the basis of the self-titled movie, according to She was boating on Lake Mead in Nevada and she caught law enforcement’s attention when she was struggling to dock her boat. After an investigation, she…


Boating Under The Influence, Can I Get Arrested For DUI?

In California, if you operate a motorized boat or any watercraft while under the influence in a lake, river, or the ocean, you can be arrested and charged with a crime. The Harbors and Navigation Code provides the statutes for boating under the influence, or BUI. The language of the…

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